Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chapter I "Questions and Fears"

Four years have passed since Aang and our friends defeated the Phoenix King Ozai, and put a stop to the hundred years war...

It was a day to remember, when a boy who tried to run away from his destiny finally found who he really was - the Avatar, the embodiment of the spirit of our world, who has sent here to bring balance to the world.

Born and Reborn to bring balance and unity to everyone.
But the scars of the war runs deep, though Aang and all of our friends have tried to begin to heal what damage the war had made to all of us.Though many have fought with us during that day, and many celebrated for many days with us after peace was now declared, many were still unsure of what is to become of our world. Many still didn't know how to forgive the hundred years of suffering and move on with their lives, afraid to let their guard down, that at any moment the Fire Nation might once again attack.

For the past four years Aang and I, along with our friends have went around the world spreading the news of peace, and that the Fire Nation would like to reach out and help the world heal through the leadership of their new ruler, Firelord Zuko and the wise guidance of his Uncle Iroh.

But our journey has not been as fruitful as we would like, there are still some people who are angry with the Fire Nation and would like to exact vengeance to many of the Fire Nation army who have done terrible things to them in the past. Yet Aang and Zuko kept on their quest to help bring back balance to our broken world.

Though the war was now over Aang still had a more challenging mission to fulfill, that is to bring back balance to the world. There were once Four Great Nations in our world, the Water Tribes where I and my brother Sokka belong to, The Earth kingdoms where our blind friend Toph and Aangs best friend King Bumi call their home, And the once terrible Firenation that brought down the hundred years of suffering, was now where our friends Prince Zuko and his beloved Uncle Iroh hopes to bring to a new light and to right the wrongs of a hundred years of pain inflicted by their family to the world.

But Aang, though loved by all nations has no more real home to return to, after all he has been through he is still the Last Air bender. The last remaining link in this world to the Air Nomads.

I have seen him grow up from the funny and care free boy that I rescued from the Ice Berg five long years ago, into a Good and Wise young man whom the whole world looks to for guidance. A man that I love so deeply, for he is my closest friend and my soul mate.

And though he is filled with happiness and love each and everyday, living with me and our family in the South Pole, I can't help but feel the pain he has in his heart - a pain he tries so hard to hide from me and the others. But he can't hide it from me...I can understand what he feels. Because how can he bring real balance to the world when the Air Nomads are no more. And when he dies and the cycle of the Avatar comes full circle and by being born to every nation in each of his reincarnations a question is now brewing inside of him.

" What will happen when the Avatar Spirit is to be born to the Air Nomads once again, there will be no one to take to take my place. Is the A
vatar cycle broken, and its all because I was a hundred years too late to bring an end to the war. Am I really the last one?" I heard him ask his reflection on the frozen sea while Lying on top of Appa, his Air Bison with Momo his pet flying Lemur. They, like him, share the same fate of being the last one of their kind. I wanted to comfort him and I wanted to say that somehow there will be way...But I don't know anything...and I don't know the answer to his questions.

What we didn't know back then was on that day was the beginning of a new Adventure for us and our friends, and finally Aang will have an answer to his questions.

I am Katara, A master Water Bender of the Southern Water tribe, I don't care how far we would have to travel again, or how hard our journey will be, I will do everything that I can to help him, just like the way he helped me...

The night was fading fast in the Frozen lands of the South Pole. The Last of the night's stars begin to hide away in the lightening sky and the Sun was now beginning to peek through the almost endless horizon of Ice Mountains in the farthest east of where your eyes can lead.

As the first rays of morning burst out a distant flying dot came out of the Horizon, Aang's eye was quick to follow this dot and when it was close enough that its form would be recognizable, it was then that Aang knew that the dot was a Messenger Hawk, the favorite courier of the Firenation.

For Aang this only meant one thing, a long awaited news from Firelord Zuko was about to arrive. The blood red hawk with two ribbon like feathers trailing from its tail began its descent when it finally took a glimpse of its goal, the Avatar, Aang, he who brought back peace a once broken world.

This particular Messenger Hawk was familiar to Aang and his friends, for it is Sokka's messenger hawk he once named Hawkie, for a lack of a better name to give to the hapless creature. Throughout the years after the war, Hawkie the messenger Hawk has been a welcome sight to Aang, for with him comes news from the now everchanging world of the reformed Fire Nation. And the well awaited word from his close friend the new Firelord Zuko.

Aang held out an arm for the bird to land, Momo, Aang's flying Lemur was not so found of Hawkie quickly clambered down to avoid the incoming bird whom in the past would have had flying and noisy arguements with him. "Welcome back Hawkie, how was the Journey?" Aang asks, the bird merely replied with a tired sounding squwak. " I see, you must be very tired. Do you have a letter for me?" The bird then reaches for its right leg and pulls out a roll of parchment from the strap on its leg. "Thank you Hawkie, go now to Sokka, he's in the Village with Suki and Katara, I know they will be happy to see you again, and Sokka will probably have some dried meat for you to eat. The Hawk happily agreed and flew off to the direction of the Village in the distance, a sprawling cluster of Igloos within a circular wall of snow and ice. Momo seeing his not so good friend flying off found it prudent to come back up to aang's shoulders where he feels he belongs, not the lousy noisy messenger hawk.

Aang promptly opened the rolled up parchment, eager to learn what news it brings from their friends. "Dear Aang, how's it going there in the South Pole, I hope you, Katara, Sokka and Suki are doing well. Please do forgive me for not being able to write to you guys for so long. Mae and I have been buzy with the preparations for our wedding which will be in three week's time. After the months of planning and head ache's, Mae finally agrees that we are finally ready to have our wedding...To tell you the truth I'd be relieve to get it over with soon... Mae has been edgy lately because her mother has been helping heavily and complaining heavily about the wedding, and Mae being edgy has never been a good thing." Ang laughs upon seeing in his mind what Mae and her demanding mother were up to and driving Zuko and Uncle Iroh Inzane.

"Aang I would like you to be my best man at the wedding, I hope you will keep your word to me before we parted ways years ago and when we promised each other that we will be each other's best man. Everyone in your Village is invited"...Aang then trails off and tells Appa a command - Yeep Yeep... he was to continue reading the letter out loud where all of the Village could hear.

Appa, Aang's Sky Bison and childhood companion quickly responds to the comand, and with a SWOOSH of his huge paddle like tail and a clumbsy leap into the air, they would be air borne, heading for Katara's Village in the not so far distance.

Meanwhile in the now improved Southern Water Tribe Village, the people of the Glaciers were busy doing about their morning Chores, Master Sokka, a tittle he was now called, was busy doing training drills with the now growing young men who once were small children just following him around doing his bidding, playing warrior with Sokka who was then 5 years older than them. They were now eager teenagers looking up to a accomplished Swordsman and Warrior, Sokka.

The young girls of the Village were not about to let the boys have all the Fun, they were also busiying themselves training Under Suki, a skilled and fearsome Kyoshi Warrior, Sokka's fiancee.

The Village that used to be a small cluster of Igloos and a small band of mothers and children has now grown to be a bustling small town, This was with the help of the once absent men whom during the war were fighthing the Firenation across the sea. The Northern Water tribe which once was alienated from the South for fifty years also sent aid in the form of Water benders and Warriors which some chose to stay and settle down in the South. Female benders where most to benefit from the Northern king's blessing of Migrating and integrating with the southern tribe, for here they are allowed to practice the art of Water Bending for battle, where as in the North they were only restricted to learning the art of healing.

Sifu Katara, was out and about, she was keen to lead a group of young children boys and girls, future Water Benders of the Southern water tribe to the Village's New Town Square, where a new totem was erected with two Koi Fish circling over a figure of the Otter who was standing over a sitting Polar Bear. Years ago Katara was the only water bender left in these parts, so now she is overjoyed to be training the new generation of budding young benders in the Arts and traditions of the Modern Southern Style, a composite of the Northern Styles which Katara learned in her stay in the North and a few Southern styles she picked up from the freed captives of the Fire Nation, they are the elderly Water Benders of the Southern water tribe without whom the variant of this art would have been extinct, and of course Katara herself added some of her own flare and passion making the Modern style of Southern Water Bending a unique art all on its own.

They would join a group of grown up benders who were doing early morning sparring to keep their skills and bodies sharp and agile, they were lead and firmly instructed by the well renowned Master Pakun of the Nothern tribe, who was now Katara's new Grand Father as well as her Sifu.

All around them the village was alive, with fisher men selling their day's catch, housewives haggling for the best deals. Men bragging about their tropy prey and children happily frolicking about. The Southern Village has indeed changed a lot since peace has come and happiness and contentment were all to obvious to anyone who would see.

Aang flies over the happy hubbub and calls out below to Katara "Katara I have great news from Zuko, can you stop a while and listen to it!" who was now showing the children how to shift their weight on each stance while bending a sliver of water. Startled because of Aang's sudden appearance and uproar, one boy accidentally whips his classmate on the bottom causing the whole class to laugh. Katara was quick to break it up and tend to the poor victim of the accidental prank. She then pats the poor boy's bottom clean of snow and water and asks him "How's that, feeling better?" the boy a little embarassed and greatful to his beautiful Sifu nods and then runs off to join his classmates in a game of snow ball bending.

"Aang you must have a good reason for breaking up my lesson or else I'll make you pay dearly." Katara threatens him bemusely in her characteristic Bossy tone. Aang then slides off from Appa's back followed by Momo who then glides to the Totem pole to get a better vantage of the whole throng of benders who where vigorously practicing their art. "You are as flimsy as sea cucumbers...the movements must be punctuated with a snap!" Master Pakun's voice would travel to where the two were standing. Aang waves a greeting to his old water bending master whom gives him a snide smile and a raised eyebrow. "Well...whats so important you would break up my class?" Aang then looks at her in her blue eyes then suddenly embraces her and sweeps her off her feet, and exclaims... "They are finally getting Married, Zuko and Mae! and we are all invited!..." Katara was half overjoyed over the news and half flustered with Aang's bravado of his affection to her infront of all the people in the Square, who were now exchanging amused looks and giggles.

"Everyone, Firelord Zuko is inviting everyone to his wedding within three weeks...He insists that everyone from the Southern,Northern and Swamp water tribes must attend and join him in his most happiest day!" A crowd was now forming around Aang, listening intently as he reads on with the small parchement in his hands.

Katara was beaming at Aang who was now repeating his Announcements to the new crowd gathering around him, she has never seen him so excited and gleeful for quite sometime, ever since she heard him ask that sad question to his reflection on the frozen sea, this welcome joy in his voice was indeed a well awaited change.

Most were showing excitement and a few were exchanging weird glances, Sokka and Suki just came in and stood behind Katara to find out what all the fuss was about. "What's going on Katara everyone started running here, did someone got hurt, I heard Aang's voice where is he?" Suddenly a over excited Messenger hawk lands on his head, "Hawkie, you came back from Zuko's Palace!? does this mean..." He then looks to Katara whom answer's his question before he could finish it. "Zuko and Mae are finally getting married in three weeks and the whole Village is invited Along with all the water tribes!"

After telling all the proposed day of arrival so as not to miss the wedding Aang quickly joins his friends who were not talking amongst themselves.

"Oh the wedding finally, I wonder if Mae will wear cheerful makeup? You know how emotionless she sometimes is..." Suki says to Katara who then giggles, 'I wonder if She'll let us help with the wedding!" Katara exclaims to Suki gleefully and the two of them embraced laughing. "I know lets make a presentation with all the girls in the tribe, like the ones we see during the tribal gatherings in the North!" upon mentioning such a suggestion the two of them shrieked even louder, followed by a sudden rush of young girls eager to take part in Katara and Suki's plans.

Sokka finally straightened up and started taking control of his over zealous pet Messenger hawk, and finally giving it a piece of dried meat. He was then joined by Aang, both have now grown into strapping young men after years and years of training during this time of peace. Aang was now avoiding the crowd of shrieking girls excited to help Katara and Suki with the preparations for the village's visit to the Fire Nation Capital.

"So Weddings huh." Sokka asks innocently to Aang, "Well as you know Suki and I are planning our own wedding next spring. She wants it done at the Shrine of Kyoshi...How about you and my sister have you thought about it?" Aang suddenly gags Sokka's mouth as more girls pass them by, hoping that they didn't heard him say his and Katara's wedding.

"What was that for Aang? Don't tell me you haven't thought about marrying my sister?! I mean you have been dating since we defeated Ozai four years ago." Sokka protests, to Aang's obvious irritation. Then the both of them sees Suki and Katara looking at them suspiciously from behind the crowd.

The two inch away from ear shot towards the Town's new land mark, the great totem pole that stood at the middle of the Village Square. "We'll its not that Sokka I love Katara, you that...but -" replies Aang as his face turns every shade of red from one second to the other.

"What's the problem, you don't plan to ditch my sister do you!" Aang again gag's Sokka's mouth, this time it was a group of mothers carrying their hard bought bargains from the fish market right beside the shore. All of whom now eying them suspiciously too.

"Would you stop with the gaging already! geeze, just let it out you can tell me..." Aangs face was now a darker shade of red more of irritation rather than embarrassment. "I am not going to ditch your sister Sokka! ...Its just I want to know more about my people, I feel that I wont be a complete person without learning more about my heritage. I was only a kid when the Air Benders were still alive, most of what I know was more about training and kid's stuff. Little about our history and our origins." Sokka was now settling down listening intently to his friend's dilemma. The two of them sat on a bench made of snow and ice, shaped like a mother and baby whale riding a wave, made intricately by artistic water benders.

'Have you told her about it Aang?" Sokka asks in a low tone, trying to avoid Aang from falling into one of his "Blue Spells" which he had just snapped out of because of the letter and the news. Aang just looked down to the snow and shook his head.

Aang then looks at Sokka and spoke in a tone that was almost a whisper, "I have this strange feeling for months and months now. That I might not be the last Air bender, just like the Sun Warriors of Dragon Island. People thought they were extinct, but they were actually hiding from the war. There could be a group of benders who survived and established somewhere hidden. I mean something inside of me just doesn't want to believe I'm really the last." from what Aang said, Sokka was now getting the picture of what his friend has been going through.

Sokka then puts a warm hand on Aang's shoulder and said. "How can you be sure? I mean it might be nice to think that there is a hidden island out there where Air Benders might have hid, but we have went all around the world Aang, more than once. I mean so much so that we would have had a clue of them from all of these years, wouldn't you think so?" though he was saying it, Sokka was wishing deep inside that he was wrong. It has been years and years since Aang last acted this way about loosing his people, so long that Sokka almost forgot that Aang was from the Air Nomads originally.

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